Sunday, February 27, 2011

KPS photography workshop in Mt Buller Part 2

It was one of the most rewarding workshops I have ever attended. I have just returned from a photography workshop conducted by Ian Rolfe, a professional landscape photographer. This event was held in Mt.Buller, organized by the KPS camera club.

Ian shared freely with us from his years of experience. His lectures were not just on technical know-how, although there was plenty of this. Ian spoke with passion and he was able to motivate us and excite us to want to go out and shoot. As he talked, he showed the beautiful images that he had taken. That, by itself, was pure entertainment. We had several hours of lecture over the three days we were up there. I was totally saturated with new insights into photography. Though my images will still take time to hone, my passion and enjoyment of photography have been re-energized.

I now look at landscape photography with a new perspective, so to speak. I will now learn to anticipate my shots better before pressing the shutter button. I will let myself soak in the beauty of the landscape before me before I serendipitously shoot at anything and everything. I will think how I can compose an image that will draw the viewer's attention to what is beholding my eyes. And if I can hold the viewer's attention to my image for a few seconds, I have a successful shot.

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