Saturday, August 22, 2009

Publishing a video

Here's an idea I caught from eavesdropping. No, I didn't intentionally eavesdrop, but as I was sitting in a cafe, I couldn't help but listen to a conversation that was going on. An obviously enterprising lady was describing to her friend how she is making a movie for commercial use. She started a year ago by learning how to shoot and edit, and she plans to sell the video to schools.

For people who love to teach, to publish a book (and in this case, a video) is to build a lasting legacy. Many university professors teach from their own published material. I am sure there is a hungry market waiting for good tutorials to help students excel. Many teachers have made a successful career out of giving tuition classes to students sitting for their VCE exams. Wouldn't it be a good idea if they were to videotape their teaching sessions and mass-market the DVD's? Students will be able to play the video over and over again at their own pace until they master the topic.

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