Saturday, July 9, 2011

Portraiture class in Croydon

These pictures were taken at my portraiture class today. The class lasted one full day. It was tiring, but fun!

The big satisfaction I got out of today was that my 24-70mm lens held up very, very well. It was simply ideal for today's shoot. I was able to get in very close, as well as zoom in from a distance. The focal range was ideal. Also, the constant f2.8 aperture meant that I could dial in at any ISO, as well as having the freedom to use a whole range of shutter speed/aperture settings. All the pictures came out sharp even though the entire shoot was done hand held.

When I was using my kit lens before for a similar shoot, I was having a lot of difficulty because I had to make compromises between ISO and shutter speed, while hamstrung by limited aperture settings.

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